Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lean Muscle gain


What is it for?

Controlled Labs DH20 is a 100% hydrolyzed whey protein isolate with a degree of hydrolysis of 20% as the sole protein source. In addition to the premium quality 100% Hydrolyzed Isolate, free form leucine and digestive enzymes Protease and Lactase help maximise the benefits and support digestion.

Controlled Labs DH20 is designed specifically to be used as a post workout protein, formulated to dramatically stimulate protein synthesis ( in simple terms,      muscle growth) and enhance recovery.


Fast Acting Easily Assimilated and Fast Acting Di and Tri Peptides.
Intense exercise can greatly reduce the capacity of the gastrointestinal tract to digest whole proteins found in foods such as dairy. Compared with whole proteins, Di and Tri peptides are rapidly absorbed through the gut within 20 minutes without bloating or gastric upset.  Di and Tri peptides contained within the hydrolyzed protein are assimilated intact by way of a peptide transport system in the gut. As such, they are rapidly digested and transport into the blood stream faster then whole proteins. It is the Di and Tri peptides that provide hydrolyzed proteins with an advantage over intact proteins like whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate during the post event post training window.

Stimulates an insulin response for improved nutrient uptake and growth.
The combination of peptide bound leucine and free form leucine plus the rapid acting nature of the hydrolyzed whey protein isolate promote the  the release of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin is a highly anabolic hormone that is responsible  for the storage of nutrients in insulin sensitive cells. Post resistance training, muscle cells are sensitive to the effects of insulin for up to three hours. Consuming Controlled Labs DH20 during this anabolic window period lets athletes naturally capitalise on the recovering muscle cells' increased nutritional requirements and receptivity to insulin.

Initiates the process of muscle protein synthesis.
Leucine is considered to be the most anabolic amino acid and stimulates protein synthesis in an equivalent manner to a whole protein. Leucine has demonstrated it's capacity to influence the fate of the other two branch chain amino acids ( Valine and Isoleeucine) for use in muscle protein synthesis, therby making it integral to the effectiveness of the BCAAs in supporting recovery. The combination of peptide bonded and free form leucine in the formula is designed to enhance protein synthesis and initiate the process as quickly as possible.

Helps support the digestive system.
Protease and Lactase have been added to the formula to enhance amino acid availability and offset any potential issues with the minute amount of lactose present in the hydrolyzed whey protein isolate.

Who is this product recommended for?
This product is ideal for athletes who want an easily digested and light protein for the post training/event window period. Most resistance training athletes will have a general purpose protein that they use throughout the day that has a 3-7 hour release rate. Post training they may wish to use a dedicated protein that has a much faster release rate and supplies their physiological needs for readily accessible  and useable protein to aid the repair of damaged muscles.

Where can i purchase this product from?

GNC Acland St St Kilda- 165 Acland St St Kilda
GNC Sth Melbourne - shop 106, 113 Cecil St South Melbourne.
RRP $109.95, 951 grams.

Monday, March 28, 2011


"Let thy food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates (370-460BC)

"FOOD MATTERS is a must see for those looking to take control of their health"John Gray. PH.D

"FOOD MATTERS is a hard hitting fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite the billion of dollars of funding and research into the so-called cures we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic illness and everyday maladies"

This ground breaking documentary sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide 'Sickness Industry' and exposes a growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional medical treatments.

FOOD MATTERS features interviews with leading medical experts from around the world who discuss natural approaches to preventing and reversing Cancer, Obesity,Heart Disease, Depression, Mental Illness and many other chronic conditions. Find out what works, what doesn't and what's killing you.

Becoming informed about the choices you have for you and your family's health could save your life.

Featuring: Andrew Saul, Charlotte Gerson, Dr Dan Rogers, David Wolfe, Prof Ian Brighthope, Jerome Burne, Philip Day and Dr Victor Zeines..


Saturday, March 26, 2011

GNC Pro Performance Carnithin

GNC Pro Performance Carnithin.
Features and Benefits.

2000mg Carnitine Complex
100mg EGCG Catechins from Green Tea
100mg Rasperi Ketones
per serve, approximately 3.5g

Carnitine may enhance the conversion of fat stores into energy, therefore benefiting in weight management.

Carnitine is involved in cellular energy production, therefore aiding in efficient muscular function.

Carnitine also improves the body's glucose utilisation and insulin sensitivity, therefore beneficial for balancing blood sugar levels and minimising sugar cravings.

Carnitne also reduces delayed onset muscle sorness, therefore taken post training carnitine can improve recovery from exercise.

Carnithin is perfect for those who are seeking weight management plus extra energy during their training and assistance with crucial recovery needed post training...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Upon Arising

1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar + 1 tsp Celtic Sea Salt + 1 squeeze lemon juice in 300ml water

10 Minutes Later

1-2 tsp Barley Grass in 200ml water

Breakfast Superfood Smoothie

2-3 tbsp Pea Protein + 1tbsp Superfoods Blend (Udo's Beyond Greens) + 1tbsp Flaxseed Oil + 1 tbsp Psyllium Husks + 1 tsp Acai Berry powder + 1 tsp Organic Raw Cacao powder + 1 tsp Organic Raw Maca powder + 1 B complex

With Lunch

4 Spirulina Tablets + 1 B Complex

With Mid Afternoon Snack

4 Spirulina Tablets
Super Juice - Ginger, Celery, Carrott, Beetroot, Cucumber, Spinach and Pineapple

Before Bed

1 Serve TJ Clark Colloidal Minerals
4 Barley Grass Capsules
1 Zinc Tablet
1 Magnesium Tablet
2 Prima C Tablets
2 Kyolic Garlic Capsules..

  • Drink Ionised pH balanced water
  • Learn acid/alkaline forming foods and apply 80% alkaline and 20% acidic approach to each meal
  • Purchase salivary/urine pH strips and begin self testing
  • Look into alkaline recipe ideas
  • Use Alkaline protein to replace animal meats if required ( whey or pea protein)
  • Increase intake of EFA'S ( essential fatty acids) Omega 3,6,9
  • Introduce proper breathing techniques
  • Begin Anti Stress activities ( meditation, yoga, stretching)
  • Reduce caffeine intake, or balance with extra alkaline fluids
  • Increase raw food intake with each meal

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Athletes Shopping Cart

It is important to remember that YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT and ABSORB!!
Individuals who train for weight management, muscle gain or competition, must remember to provide their bodies with food of the highest nutritional value as possible.

Food that is highly processed serves no purpose in a trainer's kitchen. In fact it is likely to be the biggest enemy in regard to achieving results.

Organic food should be chosen wherever possible.
Filtered pH balanced water should also be consumed pH between 7 and 8 preferably.
EVA Life is a great brand with a pH of 8.3.


  1. Organic cruciferous vegetables - eaten raw wherever possible
  2. Organic lean cuts of meat
  3. Organic non-hybridized fruits
  4. Organic nuts and legumes
  1. Organic cold-pressed flaxseed oil
  2. Fish oil- tested for toxins and heavy metals
  3. Organic cold-pressed unrefined Coconut Oil
  4. Extra-Virgin Olive oil - used as a dressing, not to cook with
  1. Spirulina - nature's multivitamin
  2. Barley Grass - nature's alkaliser
  3. Organic raw cacao - rich in minerals and antioxidants
  4. Goji Berries - handful per day, super high in Vitamin C and antioxidants
  5. Bee Pollen - rich in amino acids and good sugars
  6. Maca Powder - rich in amino acids and phytonutrients

Individuals who exercise, often and consume high-protein diets. here are some important considerations.
  1. Protein can be acidic, therefore consider balancing with high alkaline foods and supplements. A good rule of thumb is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic foods.
  2. Protein can deplete the body of digestive enzymes, causing poor digestion and assimilation of nutrients. This problem can be addressed by eating plenty of vegetables( must be raw!) or supplementing with digestive enzyme formulas.
  3. High fibre intake must accompany high protein intake for proper bowel elimination and detoxification. Psyllium husks are an excellent cheap fibre.

Here is a great website to checkout that provides and yes delivers, fresh Organic fruit and veg, along with great recipes on raw and superfood smoothies etc.

Remember you only get one vehicle for life so make sure you put the correct fuel into it...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011