Thursday, May 5, 2011


Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes is designed specifically to support digestion for people who eat the typical modern diet, which is often high in protein, fat and refined carbohydrates. It contains a proprietary  blend of enzymes specifically designed to assist with the digestion of these meals.

Proper digestion is essential for the health of the bowel. The modern diet often consists of predominantly enzyme deficient cooked foods. Supplementation with enzymes helps to replace those lost in cooking and supplements the enzymes found in raw foods.

Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes:

  • Assists healthy functioning of the digestive tract and bowel
  • Assists of absorption of beneficial nutrients from food
  • Helps promote the proper digestion of fats which is necessary for the absorption of important fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamins D, A and E.
  • Is effective at each pH level in the digestive system.
  • Contains no animal derived enzymes.
Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes contains no artificial colours or flavours and is 100% vegan.

Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes contains the following Enzymes; Amylase, Protease, Bromelains, Lipase, Papain, Lactase and Cellulase.

Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes are available at GNC Acland st St Kilda and GNC Cecil st Sth Melbourne. Available in 180 capsule size and RRP is $69.95.

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